There are dozens of ready flashcards on the Internet. While some of them are easy to open, edit and print, others don’t exist only on websites and can be saved or printed only if you do some magic with them. Let’s figure out how to print flashcards from various sources: Word, Google Docs, Quizlet, PDF file, etc.
How to print PDF flashcards made with or other app?
Our free flashcard maker outputs only PDF files. Here is an example. To print a PDF file with flashcards follow these steps:
- Open the file in Acrobat Reader. If you don’t have it, download the program here.
- Find the printer sign on the above panel or just press Ctrl+P on your keyboard.
- You will see the printing settings which you can adjust. First, you need to check out that the program sees your printer, you should see the printer’s name in the field “Printer”. If your printer only print in black and white, it’s better to check “Print in grayscale” option. Then choose whether you want to print all the file or just certain pages in the section “Pages to print”.
By default, the printer will output one PDF page on one sheet. If you need 2 pages on one sheet, select the option “Multiple” in the section “Page sizing & Handling”. For example, you may choose 1 by 2 with horizontal page order. In the box on the left you will the preview.
- Once you are satisfied with all the settings, press “Print”.
How to print flashcards on Microsoft Word?
If you use our ready flashcard template for MS Word, you just need to press Ctrl+P to print the file. Alternatively, you may go to the “File” tab and choose the “Print” option. Watch this video to learn more about the printing settings in MS Word.
How to print flashcards on Google Docs?
The combination Ctrl+P works equally well here. Alternatively, you may go to “File”>”Print” at the end of the list.
How to print flashcards on Quizlet?
Quizlet is another popular flashcard making app. Unlike, here you will need to register an account in order to create free flashcards (which you may further sell to other users of Quizlet). There are also thousands of ready sets on various topics both free and paid.
To print ready flashcards from Quizlet, draw your attention to the three-dot sign under the cards preview.
Click it and choose the option “Print”. Here you may settle the following parameters: layout, print images or no, etc. As a result, you will receive a PDF file which you may save and print later.
PRO TIPS for printing flashcards
- If you need to print flashcards on both sides, you may choose the corresponding printer setting. For example, you may choose to print first odd, then even pages. This setting is available in the section “Pages to print”. Depending on your printer, you may have to flip or turn the stack of paper.
- Always pay attention to the preview in the Printer settings window. Here you can assess how the cards will look like on paper. Sometimes it makes sense to play with page sizing options. For example, for flashards which have big white borders, it’s advisiable to apply “Fit” or “Custom scale” settings. Thus, flashcards will be bigger on paper, which exsessive white borders.