How to Learn Grammar with Flashcards

how to learn grammar with flashcards

Flashcards are very helpful for study. It concerns not only memorizing new vocabulary, but learning grammar as well. How to do this in a better way?Follow our recommendations below.

  1. Follow the general tips of studying with flashcards.
  2. Use one set of grammar flashcards for training one grammar rule. For example, plural of nouns or Present Continuous. Don’t try to mix topics, it won’t bring you better results. It’s easier to complete one grammar topic and then switch to another one.
  3. Don’t make complex flashcards. Better “one card – one item”. It may be an example of usage, marker words, exceptions, etc.
  4. While learning, suggest your own examples. For example, when you try to memorize prepositions of place, make sentences with them. The more, the better.
  5. Repeat several times a day for at least 3 days. I would suggest you to repeat each flash card at least five times so you can turn them into long term memory. Don’t give up the topic until you know everything confidently.
  6. Grammar is very abstract, so use pictures for better remembering. Cognitive psychology claims that we remember pictures ridiculously well, and we pretty much suck at remembering words.
  7. Play games with flashcards. Some of them are efficient not only with kids, but grown-ups as well. For example, hiding a part of the card and trying to remember what’s written here. Look, here you can hide the form of a tense:
    tenses flashcardsGood luck with studying grammar!

2 thoughts on “How to Learn Grammar with Flashcards”

  1. Hi,

    With your readymade flashcard sets, is it possible to change the number of cards per page? Some sets are 8 per page and I find these are too small.

    This is a great website, thank you.

    1. you may make your own flashcard set with 2, 4 or 8 cards per list. with ready ones, changes cannot be made

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